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Asymptotic behavior and the Hermite Polynomial

$\displaystyle \eta \gg K$ $\displaystyle :$ $\displaystyle \ \psi_{as}(\eta)=Ae^{-\eta^2/2} \ \Rightarrow \psi(\eta)=Af(\eta)e^{-\eta^2/2}$  
    $\displaystyle \frac{d^2\psi}{d \eta^2} = \left(\frac{d^2 f(\eta)}{d\eta^2}-2\eta \frac{df(\eta)}{d\eta}+(\eta^2-1)f(\eta)\right)e^{-\eta^2/2}$  
    $\displaystyle \frac{d^2f(\eta)}{d\eta^2}-2\eta\frac{df(\eta)}{d\eta} + (K-1)f(\eta) = 0$ (2.2)

We introduce the ansatz, based on the middle term and the overall structure of Equation 2.2, that $ f(\eta)$ will have a derivative-cyclic solution (such as the Legendre and Laguerre functions) with the kernel $ \exp(-\eta^2)$. Indeed the first two derivatives suggest a correct direction,

$\displaystyle \frac{d}{d\eta}e^{-\eta^2} = -2\eta e^{-\eta^2}, \qquad \frac{d^2}{d\eta^2}e^{-\eta^2} = -2e^{-\eta^2} + 4\eta^2 e^{-\eta^2}$ (2.3)

In accordance with the Laguerre polynomial solution (specifically the Rodriguez formulation), we would try the following solution:

$\displaystyle f(\eta)=(-1)^n \alpha e^{\eta^2}\frac{d^n}{d\eta^n}e^{-\eta^2}$ (2.4)

We sample the $ n=2$ case,

$\displaystyle f_2(\eta)=\alpha(-2+4\eta^2), \ f'_2(\eta)=\alpha8\eta, \ f''_2(\eta)=8\alpha \ \rightarrow \ 8 -2\eta(8\eta) + (K-1)(4\eta^2-2)=0

This equation is satisfied when $ K-1=4$ or generally $ K=2n+1$. This is the quantization condition. The reader might not be satisfied with our methodology, and so we wish to re-demonstrate this condition with another approach. Here we suppose a series solution to $ f(\eta)$.

$\displaystyle f(\eta)=\sum^{\infty}_{j=0}a_j\eta^j$ $\displaystyle \ \longrightarrow$ $\displaystyle \sum^{\infty}_{j=0}\left((j+1)(j+2)a_{j+2}-2ja_j + (K-1)a_j\right)\eta^j =0$  
    $\displaystyle a_{j+2}=\frac{2j+1-K}{(j+1)(j+2)}a_j$ (2.5)

As $ j\rightarrow \infty$ the series will approach zero at a rate of $ 1/j$ which is a condition for divergence. We thus need the series to terminate for some $ j=n \ \ni \ K=2n+1$ so that $ a_{n+1}=0$. From our definition of K, we have found the energy levels to be

$\displaystyle E=(2n+1)\frac{\hbar \omega}{2}$ (2.6)

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Timothy D. Jones 2007-01-29