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Final exam equation sheet is found here.

A practice final with solutions can be found at the end of Lecture 19 notes under the Lecture notes tab.

Click here for Midterm 2 solutions.



Summer 2009-10

Course Director: Prof. S.M. Bose

Office: Disque 905, Email: bose@drexel.edu, Phone: 215-895-2718, Fax: 215-895-5934

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 12:30 pm-2:00 pm or by appointment

Recitation Instructors: Ben Coy, Joey Lambert, John Schreck

Lab Instructors: Ben Coy, Joey Lambert, Runcong Liu, John Schreck

Course Objective:

  1. An understanding of the basics of oscillatory motion and propagation of mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves in vacuum and material medium
  2. An understanding of the nature of light, phenomena of interference and diffraction
  3. An understanding of the basics of special theory of relativity, mass-energy equivalence
  4. An understanding of the basics of quantum physics including energy quantization, Bohr model of hydrogen atoms, particle-wave description, photons and matter waves
  5. The Schroedinger equation and simple applications

Recitation problems: See the course syllabus. The recitation schedule is listed here.

Syllabus: The course covers chapters 13, 15, 32, 35-40 of the textbook. Reading assignments for the lectures and the problems for recitations are listed on the Course Syllabus. You may download all the recitation problems and the syllabus here.

Course Format: Similar to Phys 101, 102


- 2 Midterms (7/20 and 8/17, Tuesdays, 8-8:50 am, Disque 103),

- 1 cumulative Final Exam. No make-up exams.

Lectures and Recitations: Lectures and recitations will be held as shown on the Syllabus. The students are expected to attend all lectures and recitations, work on assignments, ask questions and participate in discussions. Attendance in lectures and recitations will be taken on a regular basis. In the recitations, the material presented in the lecture is studied in detail by solving problems. To take full advantage of the recitation, students should work the assigned recitation problems before going to each session.



Grading Scheme:

Academics: The course director and teaching assistants will be working closely with the students to achieve the objectives of the course. The work (exams and homework assignments) submitted should be the exclusive work of the individual. Departmental and university policies will be strictly followed in dealing with academic dishonesty.

Dropping a Course: University regulations require that courses cannot be dropped after the 6th week of the term.

Website: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~jschreck/twoohone.html