Data Analysis

This (will) page provides links to software for astronomical data analysis and helpful tips.

Equinox Image

You will use this to control the camera. For details, see the Observing at Drexel page.


Professional astronomers use a astro-specific software package called IRAF (the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) that was developed early in the days of GUI software. It is very powerful and still commonly used. However, its utility outside of the field is zero and it takes a long time to learn the ins and outs. So, we will not be using it.

A newer software package with more general applicability outside of astronomy is IDL. It is very powerful and now has nearly all of the tools that IRAF has. However, the software is expensive and we do not have enough licenses for everyone to use it.

So, we are currently developing new data analysis routines using the Python programming language. In fact, many astronomers have switched to using Python and, indeed, there exists a Python interface to IRAF (called PyRAF). We won't be using PyRAF specifically, but we will be using Python-based tools.

Those tools are still in the development phase (9/2007) and will be posted here once they are completed.

Some Python references that may prove helpful are the Python Tutorial and Using Python for Interactive Data Analysis.

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Last update: 20 September 2007