HTML tricks

Server side includes

This site is mainly composed of .shtml files, so that all the header and footer information can be extracted to shared files. These seperate file ( header.shtml and footer.shtml) are included by the server whenever it serves a page. This is probably wildly inefficient from the server's point of view, but it's very convenient for me :p.

The original .shtml files contain the lines
<!--#include virtual="/~wking/shared/header.shtml"-->
at the beginning and
<!--#include virtual="/~wking/shared/footer.shtml"-->
at the end.

Cascading style sheets

Cascading style sheets let you extend your basic HTML tags with logical structure label like <span class="code">%lt;/span%gt. You can use these labels in your html pages (content), and define in your style sheet how you'd like them to appear (formatting).

You can find my current style sheet here.