Welcome to Physics 102

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How recitation will work

At the beginning of recitation, you hand in any homework due that week (none due for the first week) listed in the syllabus under HWn.

Then we review several of the problems listed under R. In order to get the most out of recitation, you should attempt the R problems before recitation, so you get a feeling for what areas you have difficulty with and are prepared with relevant questions.

After the class period is over, I will take your homeworks home and grade them. There are three homework questions each week, and each question is worth five points:

Homework will be returned the week after it is collected.


If there is a topic that you find confusing, you have several possible approaches to resolving it.

For any of these approaches, you need to get a handle on what your problem is. The best way to pinpoint your misunderstanding is to find a problem in the back of the relevant chapter that you can't solve, and go through it until you get stuck. Then post your attempt to the discussion board (or ask your classmates, or come to office hours, ...) explaining what you did and why, and hopefully we'll be able to help you out.

Note source

For those who are interested, the latex source for my homework solutions and notes is available here.