"""Daemon base class Shane Hathaway http://hathawaymix.org/Software/Sketches/daemon.py Provides a framework for daemonizing a process. Features: - reads the command line - reads a configuration file - configures logging - calls root-level setup code - drops privileges - calls user-level setup code - detaches from the controlling terminal - checks and writes a pidfile Example daemon: import daemon import logging import time class HelloDaemon(daemon.Daemon): default_conf = '/etc/hellodaemon.conf' section = 'hello' def run(self): while True: logging.info('The daemon says hello') time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': HelloDaemon().main() Example hellodaemon.conf: [hello] uid = gid = pidfile = ./hellodaemon.pid logfile = ./hellodaemon.log loglevel = info """ import ConfigParser import errno import grp import logging, logging.handlers import optparse import os import pwd import signal import sys import time class Daemon(object): """Daemon base class""" default_conf = '' # override this section = 'daemon' # override this def setup_root(self): """Override to perform setup tasks with root privileges. When this is called, logging has been initialized, but the terminal has not been detached and the pid of the long-running process is not yet known. """ def setup_user(self): """Override to perform setup tasks with user privileges. Like setup_root, the terminal is still attached and the pid is temporary. However, the process has dropped root privileges. """ def run(self): """Override. The terminal has been detached at this point. """ def main(self): """Read the command line and either start or stop the daemon""" self.parse_options() action = self.options.action self.read_basic_config() if action == 'start': self.start() elif action == 'stop': self.stop() else: raise ValueError(action) def parse_options(self): """Parse the command line""" p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('--start', dest='action', action='store_const', const='start', default='start', help='Start the daemon (the default action)') p.add_option('-s', '--stop', dest='action', action='store_const', const='stop', default='start', help='Stop the daemon') p.add_option('-c', dest='config_filename', action='store', default=self.default_conf, help='Specify alternate configuration file name') p.add_option('-n', '--nodaemon', dest='daemonize', action='store_false', default=True, help='Run in the foreground') self.options, self.args = p.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(self.options.config_filename): p.error('configuration file not found: %s' % self.options.config_filename) def read_basic_config(self): """Read basic options from the daemon config file""" self.config_filename = self.options.config_filename cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cp.read([self.config_filename]) self.config_parser = cp try: self.uid, self.gid = get_uid_gid(cp, self.section) except ValueError, e: sys.exit(str(e)) self.pidfile = cp.get(self.section, 'pidfile') self.logfile = cp.get(self.section, 'logfile') self.loglevel = cp.get(self.section, 'loglevel') def on_sigterm(self, signalnum, frame): """Handle segterm by treating as a keyboard interrupt""" raise KeyboardInterrupt('SIGTERM') def add_signal_handlers(self): """Register the sigterm handler""" signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.on_sigterm) def start(self): """Initialize and run the daemon""" # The order of the steps below is chosen carefully. # - don't proceed if another instance is already running. self.check_pid() # - start handling signals self.add_signal_handlers() # - create log file and pid file directories if they don't exist self.prepare_dirs() # - start_logging must come after check_pid so that two # processes don't write to the same log file, but before # setup_root so that work done with root privileges can be # logged. self.start_logging() try: # - set up with root privileges self.setup_root() # - drop privileges self.set_uid() # - check_pid_writable must come after set_uid in order to # detect whether the daemon user can write to the pidfile self.check_pid_writable() # - set up with user privileges before daemonizing, so that # startup failures can appear on the console self.setup_user() # - daemonize if self.options.daemonize: daemonize2() except: logging.exception("failed to start due to an exception") raise # - write_pid must come after daemonizing since the pid of the # long running process is known only after daemonizing self.write_pid() try: logging.info("started") try: self.run() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass except: logging.exception("stopping with an exception") raise finally: self.remove_pid() logging.info("stopped") def stop(self): """Stop the running process""" if self.pidfile and os.path.exists(self.pidfile): pid = int(open(self.pidfile).read()) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) # wait for a moment to see if the process dies for n in range(10): time.sleep(0.25) try: # poll the process state os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError, why: if why[0] == errno.ESRCH: # process has died break else: raise else: sys.exit("pid %d did not die" % pid) else: sys.exit("not running") def prepare_dirs(self): """Ensure the log and pid file directories exist and are writable""" for fn in (self.pidfile, self.logfile): if not fn: continue parent = os.path.dirname(fn) if not os.path.exists(parent): os.makedirs(parent) self.chown(parent) def set_uid(self): """Drop root privileges""" if self.gid: try: os.setgid(self.gid) except OSError, (code, message): sys.exit("can't setgid(%d): %s, %s" % (self.gid, code, message)) if self.uid: try: os.setuid(self.uid) except OSError, (code, message): sys.exit("can't setuid(%d): %s, %s" % (self.uid, code, message)) def chown(self, fn): """Change the ownership of a file to match the daemon uid/gid""" if self.uid or self.gid: uid = self.uid if not uid: uid = os.stat(fn).st_uid gid = self.gid if not gid: gid = os.stat(fn).st_gid try: os.chown(fn, uid, gid) except OSError, (code, message): sys.exit("can't chown(%s, %d, %d): %s, %s" % (repr(fn), uid, gid, code, message)) def start_logging(self): """Configure the logging module""" try: level = int(self.loglevel) except ValueError: level = int(logging.getLevelName(self.loglevel.upper())) handlers = [] if self.logfile: #handlers.append(logging.FileHandler(self.logfile)) handlers.append(logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( \ self.logfile, maxBytes=10000, backupCount=5)) self.chown(self.logfile) if not self.options.daemonize: # also log to stderr handlers.append(logging.StreamHandler()) log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(level) for h in handlers: h.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(process)d %(levelname)s %(message)s")) log.addHandler(h) def check_pid(self): """Check the pid file. Stop using sys.exit() if another instance is already running. If the pid file exists but no other instance is running, delete the pid file. """ if not self.pidfile: return # based on twisted/scripts/twistd.py if os.path.exists(self.pidfile): try: pid = int(open(self.pidfile).read().strip()) except ValueError: msg = 'pidfile %s contains a non-integer value' % self.pidfile sys.exit(msg) try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError, (code, text): if code == errno.ESRCH: # The pid doesn't exist, so remove the stale pidfile. os.remove(self.pidfile) else: msg = ("failed to check status of process %s " "from pidfile %s: %s" % (pid, self.pidfile, text)) sys.exit(msg) else: msg = ('another instance seems to be running (pid %s), ' 'exiting' % pid) sys.exit(msg) def check_pid_writable(self): """Verify the user has access to write to the pid file. Note that the eventual process ID isn't known until after daemonize(), so it's not possible to write the PID here. """ if not self.pidfile: return if os.path.exists(self.pidfile): check = self.pidfile else: check = os.path.dirname(self.pidfile) if not os.access(check, os.W_OK): msg = 'unable to write to pidfile %s' % self.pidfile sys.exit(msg) def write_pid(self): """Write to the pid file""" if self.pidfile: open(self.pidfile, 'wb').write(str(os.getpid())) def remove_pid(self): """Delete the pid file""" if self.pidfile and os.path.exists(self.pidfile): os.remove(self.pidfile) def get_uid_gid(cp, section): """Get a numeric uid/gid from a configuration file. May return an empty uid and gid. """ uid = cp.get(section, 'uid') if uid: try: int(uid) except ValueError: # convert user name to uid try: uid = pwd.getpwnam(uid)[2] except KeyError: raise ValueError("user is not in password database: %s" % uid) gid = cp.get(section, 'gid') if gid: try: int(gid) except ValueError: # convert group name to gid try: gid = grp.getgrnam(gid)[2] except KeyError: raise ValueError("group is not in group database: %s" % gid) return uid, gid def daemonize(): """Detach from the terminal and continue as a daemon""" # swiped from twisted/scripts/twistd.py # See http://www.erlenstar.demon.co.uk/unix/faq_toc.html#TOC16 if os.fork(): # launch child and... os._exit(0) # kill off parent os.setsid() if os.fork(): # launch child and... os._exit(0) # kill off parent again. os.umask(077) null=os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) for i in range(3): try: os.dup2(null, i) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EBADF: raise os.close(null) class PrintLogger(object): ''' This class by Peter Parente, for the Jambu project http://www.oatsoft.org/trac/jambu/browser/trunk/JambuLog.py?rev=1 @author: Peter Parente @organization: IBM Corporation @copyright: Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation @license: The BSD License All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the BSD license which accompanies this distribution, and is available at U{http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php} Provides a dirt-simple interface compatible with stdout and stderr. When assigned to sys.stdout or sys.stderr, an instance of this class redirects print statements to the logging system. This means the result of the print statements can be silenced, sent to a file, etc. using the command line options to LSR. The log level used is defined by the L{LEVEL} constant in this class. @cvar LEVEL: Logging level for writes directed through this class, above DEBUG and below INFO @type LEVEL: integer @ivar log: Reference to the Print log channel @type log: logging.Logger With minor adjustments by WTK ''' LEVEL = 20 def __init__(self, logger=None): ''' Create the logger. ''' if logger == None: self.log = logging.getLogger('print') else: self.log = logger self.chunks = [] self.flush = None def write(self, data): ''' Write the given data at the debug level to the logger. Stores chunks of text until a new line is encountered, then sends to the logger. @param data: Any object that can be converted to a string @type data: stringable ''' s = data.encode('utf-8') if s.endswith('\n'): self.chunks.append(s[:-1]) s = ''.join(self.chunks) self.log.log(self.LEVEL, s) self.chunks = [] else: self.chunks.append(s) def daemonize2(): """Detach from the terminal and continue as a daemon. Added support for redirecting stdin, stdout, stderr to logs. See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/66012 WTK 2008.""" # swiped from twisted/scripts/twistd.py # See http://www.erlenstar.demon.co.uk/unix/faq_toc.html#TOC16 if os.fork(): # launch child and... os._exit(0) # kill off parent os.setsid() os.umask(077) # some people os.chdir('/') here so they don't hog the start directory. if os.fork(): # launch child and... os._exit(0) # kill off parent again. # flush any pending output #sys.stdin.flush()? sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() # hook up to /dev/null null=os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) for i in range(3): try: os.dup2(null, i) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EBADF: raise os.close(null) # I'd like to hook up to the logfiles instead, but they don't have filenos... #os.dup2(out_log.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) #os.dup2(err_log.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) #os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) # I can hook up sys.stdin and sys.stderr to the logfiles log = logging.getLogger() #sys.stdout = PrintLogger(log) # let web.py's stdout through... sys.stderr = PrintLogger(log)