Hi Dr. Vallieres,

Attached are the commands for creating a public-private key 
pair between computers. This will create a 1-way 
passwordless ssh. To get both computers to use 
ssh without passwords, repeat this process on the second computer.

Local Computer:
    Execute command `ssh-keygen -t rsa`
    You can choose a new key or use the default
    Copy public file "name_you_chose.pub"  (in ~/.ssh/) to 
               remote computer using scp

Remote Computer:
    Concatenate public key to authorized keys with: 
              `cat name_you_chose.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`

Local Computer:
    Tunnel back into remote host to see if it worked.

For computers wich shared file servers (Like newton and and xphy#)
    The the local and remote host share the same file system. 
    Thus, you only need to do this once, without having to 
    use scp, and only have to do this once

Michael Royster