The Euler & Mid-point Methods

The Euler Method

The simplest possible integration scheme for the initial-value problem is as follows. Given the differential equation

starting with at time t = 0, subdivide time into a lattice by

(the equation numbers come from a more extensive document from which this page is taken) where is some suitably short time interval. Then, knowing , we integrate the system forward in time according to the prescription

Geometrically, as illustrated in the figure below, we are simply ``following the tangent'' to the solution curve during the timestep, then redetermining the slope of the surve and taking the next step along the new tangent.

This scheme is known as the Euler method. It generalizes trivially to the case where x is a vector. The program euler.c is a simple implementation of the one-dimensional case. The equation it solves is dx / dt = x .

The Euler method has the undeniable advantage of simplicity. Unfortunately, it is not very accurate--the error at the end of a timestep is , and this can mount up over the duration of a real calculation. Much worse is the fact that the Euler method can become unstable under certain circumstances--an undesirable property of any integrator. This instability can be controlled by careful timestep control. However, Euler's low order and the fact that the next simplest method--the Midpoint method--is stable, more accurate, and only marginally more complicated to program, mean that the Euler method is never used in real calculations.

The Mid-point Method

The Euler method uses a one-sided estimate of the derivative to advance the system from time i to time i+1. We would do better if we could use a centered estimate--that is, if we know the derivative at the center of the interval, at time `` i + 1/2''. The reason for this becomes clear if we look at the Taylor series. Imagine applying the Euler method, but use the derivative at the mid-point, instead of at the start of the range. We obtain

which is the correct second-order expression (just look at equation (10), and recall that f = v, ). We have gained an extra order in accuracy just by evaluating the derivative at a different time! Once again, it is easiest to see what's going on geometrically:

How can we determine the derivative at the mid-point of the interval? We use Euler! The point is that, even though Euler is not particularly accurate, when this inaccuracy occurs in the derivative (which gets multiplied by the timestep), the result is ``accurate enough'' to produce an overall gain. This ``double'' application of the Euler scheme to refine the net accuracy is called the Mid-point method. More formally, we can define the scheme as follows:

The program midpoint.c implements this scheme for the same function as the earlier euler.c.