Introduction to
Scientific Computing


Students are expected to acquire a working knowledge of the software tools used in the course. One can not over emphasize the importance of practice outside of class time in acquiring this knowledge. The course emphasizes a hands-on approach. We are expecting our students to become proficient at using the software tools used.

The grading reflects the philosophy above. There will be no mid-term or final exam. The final score will be based on weekly assignment sets and 4 in-class exercises.

The assignment sets will be posted on the Web site. The solutions will be submitted electronically by the indicated dates & times.

The exercises will be administered during recitations on the indicated dates. You will be expected to solve a problem at the computer during the exercise.

Every in-class exercise will be done independently.

The final score for the course will be calculated based on the total for the exercises ( 50% of the final grade ) and the assignments ( 50% ) The final letter grade will be determined by an analysis of the final score distribution, a "C" corresponding to roughly the class average of the final score.

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Any questions or suggestions should be directed to
Michel Vallieres at