Two New Images

Dick Steinberg

February 4, 2010 


On January 31, there were a couple of clear hours before moonrise and the
apparently inevitable onset of clouds. During that interval, I managed to grab
two new images.

First, a 50-minute exposure centered on IC1795, an emission nebula in
Cassiopeia, which is occasionally called the North Bear nebula, although it
looks more like a fish head to me. This object is about 1 degree NW of
the Heart Nebula (IC1805), of  which a portion is visible in the lower left
quadrant of the image. (North is up, west is right in all images).


To point out some of the features visible in the image, I have prepared
a mouseover animation using a SkyMap Pro screen dump:


Note the small open cluster Tombaugh 4 (2.5' diameter with brightest
star at mag 16.0) and the G2V star STF234 (=HD13864).

The other new image is of the nearby open cluster M45, the Pleiades. In this
35-minute exposure, quite a bit of nebulosity is visible, especially surrounding
the 4 brightest stars, starting at the topmost bright star Maia, and proceeding
clockwise to Electra, Merope and Alcyone.


I'd also like to offer a new version of the recent Horsehead nebula image:


In this version, I applied a DDP (Digital Development Processing) technique in
MaxIm DL to suppress some of the excessively bright halos around the brightest
stars. Please compare to the older version


As always, thanks for your comments.


NP101-is -- Paramount ME -- Orion SS Pro v1 -- Blue Mountain Vista Observatory -- 5 min subs unguided