Joseph J. Trout, Ph.D.

(Information last modified Thursday 26 August 2010)

Information about myself

Electronic Mail:

Office Phone: 215-895-1887

Fax number: (215) 895-5934

Department of Physics Drexel University
Disque 902
32nd and Chestnut Sts
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Oscillations, Waves, Sound Homepage
PHYSICS 100 Prep for Engineering Studies Winter 2010-2011 Homepage
Physics with Calc III Homepage
Physics Demonstrations Homepage
APS/AAPT Paper - Fourier and Wavelet Analysis Talk
Physics Codes Homepage
Demo of the Week - The Normal Force Homepage
Demo of Last Week - Shoot the Monkey Homepage
Stockton State College - Magnetism Presentation
Stockton State College - Research Presentation