Fiona's Teaching Home Page

Physics 181-701, Night School, Spring 2002

Course Details


Welcome to the Physics 181-701 course. This course is intended to give you a real flavor for all the different aspects of astronomy and astrophysics that we at Drexel and at other Universities are currently doing research into. I hope you enjoy it.

This is a physics course so the use of math is unavoidable. However, this will be kept to a fairly minimum level and will not include any calculus. There will be numerous examples given in the classes and in the homework sets.

Warning - this course is not just about looking at pretty pictures, there are many difficult concepts that I aim to get across to you and many students find these different ideas challenging but stimulating.

The textbook

Our book is "Astronomy Today" by Chaisson and McMillan, available from the Bookstore. It's a long book. For maximum benefit, I strongly encourage you to at least skim the relevant material before each lecture, then read it afterwards. I cannot hope to cover all the material in this book in just 1 semester, and so you should be sure to read the assigned text.

View the Schedule

The final lecture (5/30) will be 1/2 lecture, 1/2 review course so please read this and come with quesions:

A Summary of the Course


Exams - one mid term (20%) and one final (30%).

*Note the final is on Thursday 6th June. Revise the HW's - the questions are similar to what you have seen before. There will be 10 questions - you're best 9 marks will count. Please come and see me if you need help.*

Homeworks - eight question sheets (40% in total) your best 7 marks will count

Observing Project (10%)

*Optional Essay* (10%) can replace two HW's. See here for more details

Homework Policy: Homeworks must be handed to me in class on the due date or be handed to me directly in room 808 on the 8th floor of Disque Hall by 5pm on the Friday to receive credit. If for any reason you cannot make this deadline then contact me . I will not grade late homework without prior warning. Each homework set is worth around 5% of the final grade and the exam questions will be similar to those set in the homeworks so it is in your interest to complete them. 50% of the final grade can come from non-exam based work.


HW 1 Due in 4th April

HW 2 Due in 11th April

HW 3 Due in 18th April

HW 4 Due in 25th April



HW 5 Due in 9th May

HW 6 Due in 16th May

HW 7 Due in 23rd May

HW 8 Due in 30th May

Solar Observing 

A full sheet will be given out in class - see me for one.

This is an example of one of the MDI images from 20010326 (26th March 2001). You should be sketching wheere the dark spots are. This is one of the harder images with a large sunspot group on it.

Math Refresher Sheet 

If any of you need to be reminded what an equation is then have a look here and click on the Math Notes link. These are written by Prof Goldberg who teaches the 131 Survey of the Universe Course. They give an excellent summery of high school algebra which is as hard as the math gets.

Some worked Kepler's Laws, Newton's Law and in particular Proportionality examples 

Constants, Formulea and Questions

Worked Solutions


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Interesting Astronomy Sites