Pictures from Niagara Falls

So when I was visiting Alina's family in Canada, we took a short trip to Niagara Falls, since they had never been there, and I was 7 the last time I was there. We were only on the Canada side (I had forgotten to bring my passport with, and they wouldn't be allowed across the border -- stupid immigration rules) but that is the side that you can get the best view from. Sucka's! That'll show 'em. Most of these pictures were taken by Mihai, Alina's brother. He is really good with cameras.

It's the small falls! They are impressive by themselves, but the big one is ... even bigger.
The small falls

The big falls, from one of the observation decks up-top. There are always this many people there. And also that much mist. It is pretty neat: you stand there watching the mist blow up out of the falls and then realize that it is going to come back down and suddenly, you are wet.
The big falls and mist

Watch out! Don't fall in Mihai! Those people who went over the edge had barrels, they didn't just swim! Actually, It is pretty cool to stand this close and watch the water rushing over the edge. It is hard to tell in this picture, but standing there you can really tell that this is a lot of water moving. And it isn't much more than a meter deep! Very fast. Also, there is almost a perpetual rainbow there, which makes sense, considering the conditions.
Going over the edge, in a camera

This is Mihai, looking cool. I think their mother took this one. The big falls are obscured in the mist in the background. Somewhere back there is the USA, but it is blurry (that's probably a metaphor for something, but I'm not sure what).
Mihai.  He plays rugby.

Needs no explanation. Big falls in the background, and the land there is that other country. I wish I could spend every day like this....
Isn't she cute?  I think so.

This is the family. Alina, Rodica and Mihai. Marty (the dog) was at home, poor thing. He never gets to have any fun.
Badus/Springean family

What happens when Marty doesn't get to come along? He gets hungry. Ok, so actually he is always hungry, just like me. What happens when we are hungry? We beg for food. I think he's better at it than I am though.
How else do you get a bite to eat

John Parejko Last modified: Mon Jan 12 15:30:00 EST 2004